Tagged: The Welsh Man


Eisteddfod – Things To Do In Pontypridd

For a week in August the National Eisteddfod comes to Pontypridd and RCT.  Check out our ‘must-do’ list for the town. If you’re intending to visit the town why not check out our online resources below so you get a real feel for the area before your visit: Official Ponty...


Welsh Libraries Author of the Month is Dave Lewis

Each month on the Libraries Wales website, they focus on an inspiring author based in or writing about Wales. You’ll have an introduction to their latest book, a short biography of the author, what inspires them to write, and any advice they have for young writers, all available in exclusive...


Cymru Noir – New Welsh Thriller Launched!

Welsh writer Dave Lewis has just launched his fourth novel, an uncompromising look at the British underworld played out against a background of love and harsh landscapes. Following on from the success of his ‘Cymru noir’ technothriller Hagar trilogy this time Lewis takes us deeper into the human heart. As...