Tagged: COVID-19

PCR Tests – Not Fit For Purpose 0

PCR Tests – Not Fit For Purpose

OK, here’s some maths for you which might be one explanation why so many people have been saying all along that the figures (stats) on mainstream media are rubbish, scary and often, just plain lies.  Scientists all said PCR tests were not accurate enough at the beginning of the pandemic...

UK Deaths: Jan 2020-March 2021 0

UK Deaths: Jan 2020-March 2021

The following graphs show deaths (from all causes) during the Covid pandemic across England & Wales (source: ONS). There are a few things to consider: Firstly, the excess deaths (those above what we normally get) are very high for the first wave (March 2020), so we can assume that most of...

Lifting Lockdown 0

Lifting Lockdown

When should we lift lockdown in Wales?  This is the question on everyone’s cold and chapped lips at the moment.  When exactly will the Welsh government lift lockdown and allow us all out to play again. Well, I’d say the time is about now plus 22 days for everything to...

Covid-19 Vaccinations 0

Covid-19 Vaccinations

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a crappy year. The reason, of course, was the ‘virus’. Covid-19 was/is a bit of a bugger and has killed millions of people all over the world, with 5,000 and counting in Wales. As well as killing people this particular coronavirus...

Second Wave – Is It Coming? 0

Second Wave – Is It Coming?

At time of writing the UK has had between 40,000 and 50,000 deaths from Covid-19. This is tragic and recriminations about whether lockdown should have started sooner (yes doh, of course it should!) will no doubt start after we’re over the worst of it. But whilst we all realise the...

Save The Planet Lockdown Weekend 0

Save The Planet Lockdown Weekend

OK, maybe now is not the time.  We are currently only at the start of a serious COVID-19 pandemic.  The situation is bad and will probably get a lot worse before it gets better, but, it will get better, eventually. At the moment, in the UK, we are all undergoing...

Coronavirus in Wales 1

Coronavirus in Wales

Well, whether we like it not coronavirus (COVID-19) is with us.  At time of writing Wales has 149 confirmed cases with many more probably undetected as yet. The recent floods were bad enough but how badly could we do with a few years of #Brexit bollocks on the telly right...